Célestine Ketcha Courtes was born on October 13, 1964 in Maroua Cameroun, after a brilliant school and university career, she obtained in 1990 the Diploma of Higher Studies of Commerce and Economy. She will work as a Sales and Marketing Executive at Cimencam (Lafarge cement subsidiary, France), from where she resigns to follow her husband to Abidjan in Ivory Coast. She obtains her Brevet of Private Pilot of Plane and will give birth to her first daughter Isabelle. From 2000 to the present day, she has been involved in the private business sector and is a director of several companies operating in the importation and marketing of frozen fish, canned goods and in transit in Cameroon. She was elected Mayor of the Bangangté Council in 2007. Her personal involvement, the involvement of the population, the involvement of CSOs and the consideration of the environment in her social projects earned her the 1st prize with the support a check of 50.000.000 FCFA, of the first contest National FEICOM of the Best Municipal Practices of Local Development on February 16th, 2012, for her project: Hygiene and healthiness in the city with the accompaniment of the AIMF, the AESN, SIAAP and the Veolia Environnement Foundation. On June 26, 2014, this project is elected 2nd UN Prize for Excellence in Public Service. She was re-elected in 2013 to 83% for a new Mayor's mandate and appointed Minister of Housing and Urban Development since January 4, 2019.
Célestine Ketcha Courtes est née le 13 Octobre 1964 à Maroua Cameroun, après un brillant parcours scolaire et universitaire, elle obtient en 1990 le Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures de Commerce et d’Economie. Elle travaillera comme Cadre Commercial et Marketing à Cimencam (filiale des ciments Lafarge, France), d’où elle démissionnera pour suivre son mari à Abidjan en Cote d’Ivoire. Elle y obtient son Brevet de pilote privé d’avion et y mettra au monde sa 1ère fille Isabelle. De 2000 à nos jours, elle s’est investie dans le secteur privé des affaires et est Administrateur de plusieurs Sociétés opérant dans l’importation et la commercialisation du Poisson congelé, des conserves et dans le transit au Cameroun. Elle est élue Maire de la Commune de Bangangté en 2007. Son implication personnelle, l’implication des populations, l’implication des OSC et la prise en compte de l’environnement dans ses projets sociaux lui ont valu le 1er prix avec à l’appui un chèque de 50.000.000 FCFA, du tout 1er concours National FEICOM des Meilleures Pratiques Communales de Développement Local le 16 février 2012, pour son projet : Hygiène et salubrité dans la ville avec l’accompagnement de l’AIMF, l’AESN, le SIAAP et la Fondation Veolia environnement. Le 26 Juin 2014, ce projet est élu 2ème Prix ONU de l’Excellence du Service Public. Elle est réélue en 2013 à 83% pour un nouveau mandat de Maire et nommée Ministre de l’Habitat et du Développement Urbain depuis le 4 Janvier 2019.

Anne Gilbert
Member, the Royal Society of Canada
Emeritus professor at University of Ottawa
Keynote Speech:
Histories, Memories and the Sustainable City
Histoires, mémoires et ville durable
Dr. Anne Gilbert is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Geography at the University of Ottawa, where she does a variety of work on official language minorities in Canada. Crossing both French and Anglo-Saxon geographical perspectives, she is interested in the different scales of their lived and imagined spaces, the evolution of their territory, and the spatial challenges of their development. Her current research focuses on the dynamics of the Francophone space in the Ottawa-Gatineau area since the 1960s, traversing the most symbolically charged border in the country. She is particularly interested in the transformation of landscapes built in the Capital region and its effects on identities and affiliations. In September 2013, she received l’Ordre des francophones d'Amérique, in addition to being awarded the 2013 personality of the year title in the field of education by Le Droit and the CBC. In 2015 she was named Professor of the Year in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Ottawa. She is a member of the Royal Society of Canada.
Dr. Anne Gilbert est professeur émérite au département de géographie de l’Université d’Ottawa, où elle mène divers travaux sur les minorités de langue officielle au Canada. Croisant les perspectives française et anglo-saxonne de la géographie, elle s’intéresse à leurs espaces vécus et imaginés à différentes échelles, à l’évolution de leur territoire et aux enjeux spatiaux de leur développement. Ses recherches actuelles portent sur la dynamique de l’espace francophone dans la région d’Ottawa-Gatineau depuis les années 1960, traversée par la frontière qui a la plus forte charge symbolique au pays. Elle s’intéresse notamment à la transformation des paysages construits de la capitale et à ses effets sur les identités et les appartenances. Elle a reçu en septembre 2013 l’Ordre des francophones d’Amérique, en plus de s’être vue décerner le titre de personnalité de l’année 2013 dans le domaine de l’éducation par Le Droit et Radio‐Canada. Elle a été nommée professeure de l’année 2015 de la Faculté des arts de l’Université d’Ottawa. Elle est membre de la Société royale du Canada.
Anne Gilbert博士,加拿大皇家院士,

Bojie Fu
Member of Chinese Academy of Science
Distinguished professor at the State key Lab of Urban and Regional Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Dr. Bojie Fu earned his doctorate degree from a joint PhD program of Peking University and University of Stirling in 1989. He is an Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the Academy of Sciences for Developing World (TWAS) and Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society Edinburgh UK. Dr. Fu serves as a professor and chair of Academic Committee of Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Science, Dean of Faculty of Geographic Science at Beijing Normal University and Deputy of Division of Earth Science at Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is also the President of Chinese Geographical Society, Vice President of International Geographical Union (IGU) and Deputy Director of Scientific Committee of Chinese Ecosystem Research Network. Dr. Fu is one of pioneers for the development of landscape ecology in China. His achievements made significant contributions to the understanding of interactions between landscape pattern and ecological processes, land use change and ecological effects, and ecosystem services assessment and management. He has published over 10 books and 400 scientific papers, 280 of which were published on SCI journals including Science, Nature geoscience and Nature climate change. He also serves as a Chief Editor of Chinese Geographical Science, Acta Ecologica Sinica and Advances in Earth Science, and member of editorial board of Landscape Ecology, Landscape and Urban Planning, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. His prizes include China National Natural Science Prize (2005), Award of Distinguished Service of the International Association of Landscape Ecology (2011), Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize of CAS (2012) and The Ho Leung Ho Lee Science and Technology Prize-Geosciences (2017).

Joe Berridge is an urban planner and city builder who has had an integral role in the development of complex urban planning and regeneration projects in Canada, the U.S., the U.K., Europe and Asia. He has been strategic advisor for the development of the city centres of Manchester, Belfast and Cardiff and for the waterfronts of Toronto, Singapore, Sydney, Cork, London and Governors Island in New York City. He has prepared campus master plans for the University of Manchester and Waterloo, Queen's and Western in Canada and is now planning the new hub for Toronto Pearson International Airport. Joe teaches at the University of Toronto and is a Senior Fellow at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy. Joe’s book ‘Perfect City’ will be published by Sutherland House in April 2019.