Under the leadership of the Board of Directors and in close collaboration with the Advisory Committee and the Scientific Committee, the Organizing Committee is principally responsible for managing the daily operations of the ICCCASU, including planning for conferences and the preparation of proceedings. Membership on this Committee is for a period of 1.5-years (extending until the end of 2020).
Honorary President/名誉主席:

Badiane, Alioune, The Urban ThinkTank Africa, Senegal
Badiane, Alioune, 塞内加尔非洲城市智库

Tuts, Rafael, UN-Habitat, Kenya
Tuts, Rafael, 肯尼亚联合国人居署

Cao, Huhua, University of Ottawa, Canada
曹沪华, 加拿大渥太华大学

Gao, Yanli, China Land Surveying and Planning Institute
高延利, 中国国土勘测规划院

Gianni, Benjamin, Carleton University, Canada
Gianni, Benjamin, 加拿大卡尔顿大学

Academic Chairs/学术主任:
- Wang, Xingping, Southeast University, China
- 王兴平,中国东南大学
- Mundele, Tonton, Global Affaires Canada, Canada
- Mundele, Tonton,加拿大外交部
Program Chairs/项目主任:
- Ngomsi, Claude, UN-Habitat, Kenya
- Ngomsi, Claude, 肯尼亚联合国人居署
- Li, Yangfan, Xiamen University, China
- 李杨帆,中国厦门大学
Chair for External Relations and Coordination/对外关系和协调主任:
- Cishahayo, Jean-Marie, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Cishahayo, Jean-Marie,加拿大渥太华大学
Chair for China Relations/中国关系主任:
- Zhang, Liqin, University of GeoSciences, China / University of Ottawa, Canada
- 张丽琴,中国地质大学/加拿大渥太华大学
Research Chai/ 研究主任:
- Hubert, Nicolas, University of Ottawa, Canada
- Hubert, Nicolas,加拿大渥太华大学
Strategy Consultant/战略顾问:
- Zhu,Weiping, Hangzhou Zhongwei Electronics Co., Ltd, China
- 朱伟平,杭州中威电子有限公司
IT Team/ IT团队:
- Huang, Simon, University of Ottawa, Canada
- 黄石,加拿大渥太华大学
Web Developer Leader/ Web开发组长:
- Chen, Yixiao, University of Ottawa, Canada
- 陈一晓,加拿大渥太华大学
- Li, Yuenan, University of Ottawa, Canada
- 李越男,加拿大渥太华大学
- Zhu, Qiming, University of Ottawa, Canada
- 朱启明,加拿大渥太华大学
Secretariat Team/秘书处团队:
Secretary General/秘书长:
- Kang, Yifan, University of Ottawa, Canada
- 康艺凡,加拿大渥太华大学
Deputy Secretary General/副秘书长:
- For China: Lyv, Chunyan, China Land Surveying and Planning Institute
- 中国:吕春艳,中国国土勘测规划院
- For UN-Habitat and Africa: Huang, Zhengli, Sheffield University, England
- 联合国人居署和非洲:黄正骊,英国谢菲尔德大学
Volunteer Coordinator/志愿者协调:
- Wang, Sailan, Southeast Minzu University, China
- 王赛兰, 中国西南民族大学
- Chen, Xiao, Southeast University, China
- 陈骁,中国东南大学
- Liu, Kai, Southeast University, China
- 刘凯,中国东南大学
- Ma, Helen, University of Ottawa, Canada
- 马慧, 加拿大渥太华大学
- Zhang, Nico, University of Ottawa, Canada
- 张曦,加拿大渥太华大学
- Zhao, Shengbo, Southeast University, China
- 赵胜波,中国东南大学
Special Assistant of President/Sponsor Team Leader/联合主席特别助理/赞助组组长:
- Guan, Haotian, University of Ottawa, Canada
- 关皓天,加拿大渥太华大学
- Liu, Vivian, Health Canada
- 刘紫葳, 加拿大卫生部