(Jan 30, 2020)中国、加拿大和非洲城市建设中的文化与创新
Culture and Innovation in City Building in Canada, China, and Africa

(Jan 30, 2020)World Urben Forum, Abu Dhabi, UAE 8-13 February 2020

(July 20, 2019 Updated)第三届中国、加拿大和非洲可持续城市化国际会议(ICCCASU3)顺利开幕
Successful Opening of the Third International Conference On Canadian, Chinese and African Sustainable Urbanization (ICCCASU3)

(May 15, 2019) Urban Forum Perfect City with Joe Berridge Wednesday, May 15, 2019 @ 7:00pm Auditorium, Ottawa Public Library, Main Branch, 120 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, On Presented In Partnership with the Ottawa Public Library – ICCCASU2019主讲嘉宾 Joe Berridge 将于 2019年5月15日@ 7:00pm在渥太华公共图书馆举办城市论坛“完美城市”讲座

(May 13, 2019) Photo: ICCCASU 2 Hold in Yaoundé, Cameroon - 图片新闻:第二届中国、非洲和加拿大城市可持续发展国际会议2017年在喀麦隆首都雅温得召开

(May 3, 2019) Video: ICCCASU Testimony - 视频采访:中国、非洲和加拿大城市可持续发展国际会议与我们

(May 3, 2019) Video: ICCCASU 2 Hold in Yaoundé, Cameroon - 视频新闻:第二届中国、非洲和加拿大城市可持续发展国际会议2017年在喀麦隆首都雅温得召开

(April 29, 2019) “ICCCASU3 Flyer Institutional Partner - 第三届中国、非洲和加拿大城市可持续发展国际会议” 院校合作伙伴宣传单

(April 29, 2019)“ICCCASU3 Flyer Institutional Partner -  第三届中国、非洲和加拿大城市可持续发展国际会议” 赞助商宣传单

(April 23, 2019)“The 3rd International Conference on Canadian, Chinese and African Sustainable Development” Volunteer mobilization session -  第三届中国、非洲和加拿大城市可持续发展国际会议” 志愿者动员会顺利召开

(April 23, 2019) Welcome to Shanghai, the capital of the future - JOE BERRIDGE, SHANGHAI, CONTRIBUTED TO THE GLOBE AND MAIL, PUBLISHED APRIL 19, 2019

(Mar 31, 2019) Bulletin de liaison sur l’urbanisation durable en Afrique, ONU/UN-Habitat

(Jan 25, 2019) ICCCASU III 2019 conference is covered by UN-Habitat.

(Jan 22, 2019 updated) ICCCASU II conference reports are available for distributing.

(Jan 22, 2019) ICCCASU II 2017 Report for Global Affairs Canada

(Jan 16, 2019) Article publié par la ville de Gatineau

(Jan 12, 2019) Un chargé de cours du Département des sciences sociales de l’UQO se démarque à l’international | UQO | Université du Québec en Outaouais

(Oct 31, 2018) Report on ICCCASU mission to China

(Oct 31, 2018)【上大文科季系列活动】加拿大学者与高等研究院 开展可持续城市化学术交流

ICCCASU ll 会议纪要 2017

ICCCASU Newsletter (Spring) 2017


(Jan 10, 2018) Un chargé de cours du Département des sciences sociales de l’UQO se démarque à l’international

(Dec 19, 2017) News of ICCCASU2 in Local Media and Global Social Media Platform 

(Oct 6, 2017) The ICCCASU Special Meeting Minutes Summary

(Oct 6, 2017) The ICCCASU Progress Meeting with Cameroon Delegation (PPT)

(Sep 26, 2017) The Dean Welcomes Cameroon Delegation to the University of Ottawa

(Sep 25, 2017) Cameroon Delegation Warmly Welcomed by the University of Ottawa 

(July 18, 2017) L’Uni­ver­sité d’Ot­tawa renforce son statut inter­na­tio­nal et s’ouvre à l’Afrique

(Jun 6, 2017) 夏翔公参会见渥太华大学、卡尔顿大学教授

(Jun 2, 2017) 联合国人居署“可持续城市化国际委员会”曹沪华、顾朝林一行到访中心

(May 27, 2017) 加拿大渥太华大学曹沪华教授来我院做报告

(May 16, 2017) ICCCASU Important Conference in Hangzhou

(May 15, 2017) Cameroun – Habitat: Yaoundé accueille en décembre prochain la 2e Conférence sur l’urbanisation durable au Canada, en Chine et en Afrique

(May 10, 2017) Cameroon to host second International Conference on Chinese and African Sustainable Urbanization (ICCASU-II) 

(May 7, 2017) ICCCASU Co-President Trip to China

(May 2, 2017) ICCCASU Delegation’s Successful Visit to Nairobi and Yaoundé

(May 5, 2017) Développement urbain: Yaoundé reçoit la 2e conférence de l’ICCCASU-II

(Apr. 13, 2017) ICCCASU II-Yaoundé 2017 : le Cameroun se prépare

(Mar 29, 2017) 建筑·规划·设计展览

(Feb 20, 2017) Call for papers: Canadian, Chinese and African sustainable urbanization

(Nov. 30, 2016) Nous avons tous un rôle à jouer : De quelle façon les différents intervenants et les ordres de gouvernements peuvent-ils collaborer à la mise en œuvre du Nouvel agenda urbain?

(May 2, 2015) ICCASU Report - Final (French)

(Jan. 15, 2016) ICCASU Report - Final (Chinese)

(Dec 6, 2015) ICCASU Report - Final (English)

(Oct. 25, 2015) ICCASU Conference Program

 (Oct. 15, 2015) UN-Habitat on campus to discuss rapid urban expansion in Africa &  ONU-Habitat examinera l’accélération de l’urbanisation en Afrique


ICCASU 2015 video conference:

(Oct 25, 2015)  ICCASU Day open ceremony 2015 

(Oct 25, 2015) Chinese Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Africa

(Oct 25, 2015) State new plans for urbanization in China

(Oct 25, 2015) Canadian perspective of sustainable urbanization and social equality 

(Oct 25, 2015) Community participation in planning 

(Oct 25, 2015) Focus of challenging 

(Oct 25, 2015) Urbanization durability in Africa