Alioune Badiane (Honorary President)
Director (Rtd) Programme Division UN-Habitat/President, The Urban ThinkTank Africa -TUTTA, Senegal
Dr.Badiane is a Senior Urban and Regional Planner with extensive working experience in both central and local governments and at the international level. He has over thirty five years of accumulated experience working for the United Nations as well as for Government Ministries in Senegal related to: Economic Planning, Housing, Decentralization ,Urban development and Environment. Dr.Badiane served as Director of Dakar City Planning, Principal Policy Advisor to the Mayor of Dakar, and as elected Municipal Councilor and Chairman of the Planning and Environment Commission in home town Meckhe in Senegal. He joined UN-Habitat as Chief Technical Adviser- CTA and International Human Settlements Adviser to the Government of Haiti in 1991. He was appointed by UNDP,World Bank and UN Habitat as Regional Coordinator of the Urban Management Programme- UMP in 1992. Director of Regional Office for Africa and Arab States of UN Habitat between 1999 and in 2011 From 2011 until oct 2016 when I retired , I was the UN Habitat Director of Programme Division. During his long career and service with the UN, Dr.Badiane has directed, managed and coordinated United Nations global ,regional and national projects and programmes in Africa, Asia the Arab States and in the Caribbean regions. Dr.Badiane studied economics at the Senegal National School of Economics and later graduated from Laval University Canada and attended his Post Graduate Studies at the Department of Urban Affairs, City University of New York at Hunter College. Dr.Badiane was awarded title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Minna of Niger State . He is currently the President of The Urban Think Tank Africa -TUTTA for the implementation of the new urban agenda in Africa. Dr Badiane is the Hon President of the International Council for Canada China and Africa-Icccasu and the Co-founder of the RESAUD network based in Montreal . He is also as Chair of the Advisory Council of the African Forum for Urban Safety -AFUS based in Durban and Special Advisor to the United cities and local Governments of Africa! UCLG-A . Dr Badiane is closely collaborating with government and city partners as well as bilateral and multilateral institutions such as UN Habitat, African Union ,the World Bank, AFDB and UCLG-A to implement the New Urban Agenda in Africa.

Huhua Cao / 曹沪华 (Co-President)
Full Professor, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Huhua Cao is a cross-appointed Full Professor within the Department of Geography Environment and Geomatics and the School of International Development and Global Studies at the University of Ottawa in Canada. He specializes in urban studies and International development with the use of geostatistical and spatial methods. In recent years, Dr. Cao’s research has focused on engaging urban indigenous and ethnic minority peoples in urban contexts. He has directed various international research projects that have received significant funding from Canada, China, Cameroon, and the European Union. Professor Cao has also written numerous articles and books related to urban and regional development while collaborating with academics throughout the world. Professor Cao has also published almost 100 books, chapters, articles and reports related to urban and regional development while collaborating with academics throughout the world. Since 2014, Dr. Cao has worked closely with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) to organize a series of International Conference on Canadian, Chinese and African Sustainable Urbanization (ICCCASU). ICCCASU is an international Think-Tank for exchange and cooperation on issues relating to sustainable urban development (www.ICCCASU2019.ORG or www.ICCCASU.ORG).
联合国人居署“加拿大,中国和非洲可持续城市化国际会议(以下简称ICCCASU)”联席主席曹沪华博士现任加拿大渥太华大学(University of Ottawa)地理学系及国际发展与全球研究学院终身教授,博士生导师。曹教授于1983年获得上海同济大学城市规划学士学位,随后在上海市建筑设计研究院(1983-1991)担任建筑师。他1994年在加拿大拉瓦尔大学(Laval University)获得建筑学硕士学位,1998获得城市地理学博士学位。曹教授专注于城市地理学,尤其是运用信息统计学方法和地理信息系统(GIS)对城市发展规划进行研究。近年来,曹教授的研究重点关注基于互联网的参与方式,吸引城市原住民及少数民族参与城市发展决策。曹教授先后主持加拿大与欧盟、非洲, 以及中国科技部合作的多项重大项目,共发表论文与著作100余篇/部。ICCCASU创建于2014年,旨在通过与联合国人居署, 加拿大,中国及非洲等政府,非政府以及学术研究等机构的密切合作, 探讨中国及非洲在城市化进程中面临的挑战,借鉴加拿大和中国的经验提供新的合作平台及模式,并于2015年在加拿大渥太华举办了第一届大会 (ICCCASU I) 。2017年底,在喀麦隆政府住建部大力支持下,第二届中国、加拿大和非洲可持续城市化国际论坛 (ICCCASU II) 在喀麦隆首都雅温得胜利召开。作为ICCCASU联席主席,曹教授正在积极领导筹备第三届中加非可持续城市化国际论坛,计划将于2019年在中国举办。

Yanli Gao / 高延利 (VP)
Director, China Land Surveying and Planning Institute
Dr. Yanli Gao is the director of the China Land Surveying and Planning Institute, vice chairman and the Secretary-General of the China Land Science Society, and the director of the sub-technical committee of the National Land and Resources Standardization Technical Committee on Land Resources Planning, Investigation and Evaluation. He served as the Deputy Director of the Office of the Leading Group of the Second National Land Survey of the State Council and organized the second national land survey. Since December 1986, he has successively worked in the former State Land Administration and the Ministry of Land and Resources, and has served as Deputy Director and Director of Cadastral Management Department of the former Ministry of Land and Resources. He is Long-term engaged in land technical methods system of resources survey and monitoring, standard formulation, major project implementation, as well as business and technical management work. He has made an important contribution to the promotion of land resources survey and monitoring technology progress and discipline development. He was elected to receive special allowances from the Government of the State Council.

Aijun Qiu / 邱爱军 (VP)
Deputy Director, China Center for Urban Development
Dr. Aijun Qiu, Deputy Director General and Research Fellow, China Center for Urban Development, National Development and Reform Commission; Consultant to the World Bank (WB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB); Executive Director, China Society of Urban Economy. Previously in the State Commission for Structural Reform, she took charge of projects of small town and community development in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Children's Fund. Her research fields cover small town development, urbanization development, urbanization policy and urban planning. She led international projects with the WB, the ADB and other international institutions, pre-draft projects of Beijing Twelfth Five Year Plan and development planning for urban governments. She was involved with initial policy research on small towns, migrant workers and urbanization by the Central Government. She accomplished a series of research reports, such as Development Strategy for Chinese Small Towns (2007), Comparative Research on Civil Engagement in Urban Planning (2010), Planning for Healthy Small Town’s Growth (2012), and Policy Research on Options of Chinese Urbanization Strategies (2013), all granted with provincial-level research awards.

Rong YANG / 杨榕 (VP)
Inter-Regional Advisor
Focal point of UN-Habitat with Government of China;
Technical Advisory Branch, Programme Division, UN-Habitat.
Rong Yang is the Inter-Regional Advisor working at Programme Division of UN-Habitat based at its Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, and involving in UN-Habitat project cycle management in Programme Division since 2016. He is also the focal point of UN-Habitat with Government of China and in charge of coordinating the general matters of cooperation with China including World Cities Day Celebration, International conference and training focusing on knowledge exchange regarding sustainable urbanization, cooperation project development and implementation with Chinese partners, collaboration based on Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and South-South Cooperation Assistant Fund etc. From 2008 to 2016, Mr. Rong Yang used to work as Director-General of Center of Science & Technology and Industrialization, and Director-General of Department of Building Energy Efficiency And Science & Technology in the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD) of China, was mainly focusing on promoting development of green building, building energy efficiency, smart city, advanced building technology application and related international cooperation in China. From 2001 to 2003, he used to be the Deputy Permanent Representative of China Mission to UN-Habitat.

Inês Macamo Raimundo (VP)
Professor, Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique
Dr. Inês Macamo Raimundo holds a PhD in Forced Migration and Master in Human Geography (focus on internal migration) by the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa and Licenciatura (Bhonors) in Geography by Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique). Raimundo has taught at Eduardo Mondlane University for 25 years where she trained several undergraduate and postgraduate students in Human Geography, Geography of Population, Geography of Migration, Environment and Population and Development and urban issues. She is Associate Professor and Senior Researcher of Eduardo Mondlane University. Prof. Raimundo is Representative for Southern Africa of Commonwealth Geographical Bureau (CGB) and member of International Council for Sciences (ICSU)-Regional Committee for Africa (RCA). She has lead research in migration as member of SAMP (Southern African Migration Program), and AFSUN (African Food Security Urban Network). Her major research has focused on urban studies and migration linked with poverty, HIV and gender, food security and informal economy. At University she has chaired the position of Deputy-Dean of Post-graduate studies (2012-2017), Director of the Center for Policy Analysis (2010-2012), Head of Department of Population Studies of the Center for Policy Analysis (2008-2010) and Head of Department of Geography (2002-2003). Currently, she leads the Department of Academic Assurance of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

Rafael Tuts (Co-President)
Director/Directeur, Programme Division/Division des programmes UN-Habitat/ONU-Habitat, Nairobi, Kenya
Rafael Tuts is Director of the Programme Division of UN-Habitat, based at its Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. He is overseeing the work of UN-Habitat’s seven thematic branches and four regional offices. From 2012 to 2016 he was the coordinator of the Urban Planning and Design Branch of UN-Habitat, promoting compact, integrated and connected cities that are inclusive and resilient to climate change. From 2014 to 2016 he was also overseeing the Housing and Slum Upgrading Branch of UN-Habitat, focusing on the ‘Housing at the Centre’ approach and the Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme. Earlier assignments at UN-Habitat include his role as manager of the Localising Agenda 21 Programme, as a contributor to the Global Campaign on Urban Governance and as Chief of the Training and Capacity Branch. Following the Rio+20 Conference, he coordinated UN-Habitat’s engagement in formulating the Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG-11 on ‘making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’. He authored and co-edited several publications on a wide range of sustainable urban development topics, including ‘Urban Trialogues’, a book reflecting on urban space as a resource for sustainable development, based on work in Morocco, Kenya, Vietnam and Cuba. Together with colleagues from the World Bank, UNEP and Cities Alliance, he received the World Bank Vice-President Team Award in 2011 for global partnership building on Cities and Climate Change. He also received ISOCARP’s 50th Anniversary Award in 2015, in recognition of UN-Habitat’s urban planning work. Before joining UN-Habitat in 1995, he worked for the Department of Architecture, Urbanism, and Planning of the University of Leuven in Belgium and the Housing Research and Development Unit of the University of Nairobi. In 1985, he obtained a Masters of Science degree in Architectural Engineering from the University of Leuven. In December 2016, he was awarded the title of Honorary Professor from the same university.
Rafael Tuts est Directeur du la division des programmes pour ONU-Habitat dont le siège social se retrouve à Nairobi au Kenya. Il supervise le travail des sept branches thématiques et quatre bureaux régionaux d’ONU-Habitat. De 2012 à 2016, il a été coordinateur du bureau de planification urbaine et d’aménagement d’ONU Habitat , qui fait la promotion des villes compactes, intégrées et connectées qui sont inclusives et résilientes au changement climatique. De 2014 à 2016 il a aussi supervisé le bureau de logement et bidonvilles d’ONU-Habitat, qui se concentre sur l’approche « Housing at the Centre » et un programme participatif sur l’amélioration des bidonvilles. Ses mandats précédents à ONU-Habitat incluent son rôle de gestionnaire du « Localising Agenda 21 Programme » en tant que contributeur à la campagne mondiale pour la gouvernance urbaine et de Chef du bureau de l’enseignement et de la capacité. Suite à la Conférence Rio+20, il a coordonné l’engagement de ONU-Habitat à formuler des buts en développement durable, incluant SDG-11 pour « faire en sorte que les villes et les établissements humains soient ouverts à tous, sûrs, résilients et durables ». Il a été auteur et a co-édité plusieurs publications sur une variété de thèmes reliés au développement durable urbain, y compris « Urban Trialogues », un livre qui reflète l’espace urbaine comme une ressources pour le développement durable, suite aux travaux effectués au Maroc, Kenya, Vietnam et Cuba., Avec des collègues de la Banque Mondiale, PNUD et Cities Alliance, il a reçu le prix du Vice-Président de la Banque Mondiale en 2011 pour son partenariat global « Cities and Climate Change ». Il a aussi reçu le prix du 50eAnniversaire d’ISOCARP en 2015, en reconnaissance du travail la planification urbaine d’ONU-Habitat. Avant de se joindre à ONU-Habitat en 1995, il a travaillé pour le département d’architecture, urbanisme, et planification de l’Université de Leuven en Belgique, et le « Housing Research and Development Unit » de l’Université de Nairobi. En 1985, il a obtenu une Maîtrise en Science en génie architectural de l’Université de Leuven. En décembre 2016, il a nommé Professeur Honoraire de cette même université.