International Conference on Canadian, Chinese and African Sustainable Urbanization (ICCCASU)

The International Conference on Canadian, Chinese and African Sustainable Urbanization (ICCCASU) is an international Think-Tank for exchange and cooperation on issues relating to sustainable urban development. Focusing on Canada, China and Africa, occurring every two years and rotating between the three regions, ICCCASU brings together politicians, policymakers, scholars, practitioners, and others to share research and best practices on sustainable urbanisation through a series of conferences and training workshops. Founded in 2014 as a joint initiative of UN-Habitat and the University of Ottawa, it has since expanded to include a consortium of Canadian universities (University of Ottawa, Carleton University, Université de Montréal and McGill University). To date, ICCCASU has staged two conferences. ICCCASU I, which attracted 200 attendees, was held in Ottawa, Canada in 2015 while ICCCASU II, a 500-person forum staged in conjunction with the government of Cameroon, was held in Yaoundé, Cameroon in 2017. Planning is underway for ICCCASU’s third forum, to be held in China in 2019.



加拿大,中国和非洲可持续发展国际会议(ICCCASU)是就可持续城市发展问题进行交流与合作的国际智库。ICCCASU会议每两年举办一次,由与会三方轮流承办。会议聚焦加拿大,中国与非洲三个地区,成员包括政治家、决策者、学者及有关从业者等,旨在通过一系列会议和研讨会分享可持续城市化进程的相关研究与最佳实施方针。该会议体经由联合国人居署(UN-Habitat)与渥太华大学(University of Ottawa)双方的联合倡议建立于2014年,并将其影响力扩大到了包括卡尔顿大学、蒙特利尔大学及麦吉尔大学在内的加拿大大学联盟(Consortium of Canadian Universities)。

迄今为止,ICCCASU已经成功举办了两次会议。ICCCASU I于2015年在加拿大渥太华开幕,并吸引了200余名相关行业的与会者。而ICCCASU II是一个与喀麦隆政府联合举办的500人论坛,与2017年在喀麦隆雅温得举行。ICCCASU的第三次会议也在积极筹办中,并将于2019年在中国成都举办。